Aviator - much ado about a slightly tweaked Google Chrome clone?

A tweaked Chrome browser clone, coming with some additional extensions integrated
and DuckDuckGo as the standard search engine,
is being presented as an new security enigma.
Name of the new Windows browser: Aviator. (free for the time being)

Read: https://blog.whitehatsec.com/whitehat-aviator-beta-for-windows/
Whenever I launch my personal tweak of GoogleChrome from ChromePrivacyGuard
with additional protection of avast! and ScriptSafe, Disconnect, Do-not-Track and Vanilla
I will get basically the same security results as with Aviator,
presented as the safest browser on the planet.

Is this a cleverly presented hype or what do we have here?


Wont hurt anything to try it out, but there are others out there that are based off chromium as well including the one I usually use(which has a few of its own extensions bundled that I dont use).

Edit: Comes with Disconnect which I dont really like nor is it removeable unfortunately… Also it crashed within minutes of using when I was messing with extensions so not looking good so far.

[b]and DuckDuckGo as the standard search engine,[/b]


It’s a very easy change in Chrome and something I’ve also done quite q while ago.