Avoid Windows Malware: Bank on a Live CD

The simplest, most cost-effective answer I know of? Don’t use Microsoft Windows when accessing your bank account online.

Wonder who wrote this and how much they Love Linux and Hate Windows ???
If you don’t know what your doing you shouldn’t access your bank regardless of the
Operating system your using. Go down and pay them a visit and do it in person. :slight_smile:

Go down and pay them a visit and do it in person. :)
I do this all the time as I need the exercise.

I don’t think learning Linux or getting a Mac would burn many calories but a Mac would lighten my wallet quite a bit. ;D

not even mentioning here that Linux doesn’t tell anything (no obvious interface) about eventual intrusions. Firewall there is a joke…main wall of defense in Linux comes from the fact that it’s less targeted by hackers (< 1% is of poor interest for mass hacking ;D ), and also the executables are less easy to trigger, but honestly, I’d rather take the risk and stick to Window$ :smiley:

If you had a look, you’d see it’s one of “the most influential writers in the computer security space”:

Krebs has done a series of columns recently about small and medium-size businesses, non-profit organizations and schools losing tens of thousands of dollars to cyber thieves using banking Trojans to provide access to their bank accounts and transfer funds to money mules.


The “Microsoft hater” insults are getting a bit old.


That’s friggin’ hilarious!

The Linux firewall closes and hides all ports. That’s all a firewall has to do.

It doesn’t tell you about intrusions? Neither does Windows XP Firewall, which I’m using right now, or my router firewall. Am I insecure- No.

If you’re a network admin, you can install Snort.


you have no idea about what’s going on in Linux as there’s not even an interface for this…unless you’re ready to take the plunge into obscure and obsolete sorts of GUIS or getting used to work in terminal…that’s a real shame. Concerning any major system interface, the OS is crippled in every way, networking comes first; I prefer not to comment the network interface in Linux (GUIS as backends), not the time and not the forums for this ;D
As to firewall in Windows, I don’t use it, but at least, there are alternatives. And don’t associate XP firewall to Windows Firewall, Vista and Seven came out in the mean time, and it’s been enhanced twice. It controls outbound connections, now.
What’s the alternative in Linux ? nothing…understand nothing acceptable in 2009, it’s a huge vacuum.

This is the sentiment some people new to Linux express: OMG, where’s the firewall GUI? Where’s the outbound protection?


I’m not new to Linux ::slight_smile: and I know exactly what I’m talking about, so excuse me but Linux won’t go mainstream anytime soon and there are reasons, enough proofs that it’s just crippled…Ubuntu being the ultimate reference in most non-Linux forums ;D , when it’s just the worse of Linux.
Google might change the way things are in a few months, with Chrome OS…let’s wait and see…I’m neither optimistic nor pessimistic about it, they might succeed progressively where the others, all distros with no exception, have failed for almost 20 years now :wink:

The Google OS is going to be based on Debian, as is Ubuntu.


The Google OS is going to be based on Debian, as is Ubuntu.
I guess I won't be running Google OS then.

Linux is free only if your time has no value
A great way to burn your weekends, if you’re a geek

PPP? Wozat?

Things have moved on from 2000.

like you said, Debian based, and fortunately not an Ubuntu fork ;D