Avst Free 2015 crashes computer on boot

Perhaps your computer does not offer the facilities needed to support it.

I apologize for not attaching the image before…


Thanks for the picture. My installer definitely does not show this NG and in fact there are several things such as Grime Fighter and the VPN which are not offered in the Free version.

Final Update.

I contacted Avast Technical Support and ran another clean installation with their Support Package which monitored the setup and they have traced the culprit to a file in Glasswire - a program I had installed to check but never used. I uninstalled this and then ran a standard install of 2015 over my existing 2014 and all is now up and running as it should.

Only one problem as far as I can see and that is why did I still have problems in Safe Mode. Can Glasswire load load even in Safe Mode?

Anyway, thanks to all who tried to extracate me from my difficulties.