i have just purchased avast pro 5 and had the activation sent out but i am unable to activate it i have tried to put activ code into wordpad…notepad…office… but when i try to open via the splash screen it comes up empty. i have windows vista …when i open maintenece screen … subscription its says :- a) in trial mode ( trial mode has expired …i have just downloaded it !!!)
b) liscence to … blank /…customer # … blank /subscription till… 5/03/10 10.03.32pm
insert liscence /… i cant insert it
i do hope someone can help me out i have been trying for 2 hours to activate this. :-\
download avast PRO antivirus pdf.doc and see page 7 - 8
Where did you buy it?
Which is the file name and extension?
In theory, if you double click the license.avastlic file it should be added…
i purchased from avast and cant dbl click email as it is full email not an ext i tried the pdf file and found no revelent into on pages 7 and 8 not sure of the other info
The email you received should contain an attachement called “license.avastlic” -right?
Save that attechement to disk, e.g. to “My Documents”.
Doubleclick on that saved file - done.
If that does not work:
Open Avast by clicking on the red ball with “a” in it in your system tray.
Go to “Maintenance” tab, “Subscription”.
Click on “Insert License File” and navigate to the place where you have saved it.
Click “OK”.
If that won’t do also, we need detailed information about the problem.
Please come back here and give us input.
See, in my view, First, Delete the old anti v from your PC then Install it again.
But, if you have same anti v in your PC, you must up date it.
I have also avast in my PC and working well.