Back-Up software


So first off I’m going to say this. Not to be a complete ***, but jwoods301, don’t respond to this thread. Thank-you.

So, Ive within the last 10 minutes gotten my hands on a Toshiba 2 TB USB 3.0 & 2.0 External Hard Drive. I’ve started the upload of my archived .vhd file from my computer which was meant to scam the scammers. Since that plan hasn’t gone to well I figured I’d use it as a back-up of my C:. However. I have an Acer that’s 6yr+ and on it’s way out and I’d like to salvage the data off the computer. Does anyone know any good programs for Slow Dual Core AMD Athlons?

There’s probably close to 800GB of data that needs to be backed-up. Thanks!

BTW. Both computers are running Win7 Home premium SP1 Build 7601

Not sure if you are asking about disk imaging software or simply file based backup ?

Simply System Back-up. I don’t need an ISO image for my Acer as I have a Win 7 disc with a MAK

I’m afraid i am still not sure i understand what you mean ? You want to make a full system image of that C: drive on your Acer or only copy the personal files that you have on there(like documents, pictures etc.) ? Give a bit more detail please.

Only pictures, documents, folders. Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Publisher files

I see. In that case simply copying the folders/files to your USB drive will be the fastest solution, unless you want the data compressed. But with the amount of data you mentioned(800 GB) compressing will take forever, especially on an older machine.

What I’ll most likely end up doing is transferring and then compressing since my Machine is the best in the house.

To automate the file backup process, I use Karen Kenworthy’s Replicator (may she RIP). The program is a few years old but does everything I need. It works on up to Win 7. Unless you’re gonna encrypt your backup(s) anyway, I don’t recommend zipping them. Storage is cheap, and zipping and unzipping many gigabytes of data is too time consuming.