Backdoor Trojan - name UGK

Hello, Please analyze this Game client, here’s the download Link:!kBBFAaga!oH1oaC5a9CUyMhV5dYbTmXMGSrQC76CsdCT57Br5o9I

Other Anti-malware detected it as Trojan.Agent. The exe file name in game client is “UGKgame.exe”.
Please analyze the file, Maybe it’s a new Backdoor Trojan etc.

Virus Total result:

33 engines detected this file.

Avast: Undetected

Avast detects it:

I’m using Free version of Avast, It did not detect the Trojan. Maybe because it’s a FREE version, ?

Btw The trojan was deleted by Malwarebytes.

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