Backing Up HD

Hi all! I would like to back up my HD and would like recommendations. My goal is to be able to use the backup directly should my HD fail, if that’s possible, and be able to move/copy the backup drive to a new internal drive in a new computer. I’m not having computer problems but am trying to think ahead. I currently back up my data on flash drives, which works fine, but I wanted something for the entire drive. I’ve read good and bad things about Western Digital, as well as other external HD’s, so I thought I’d come here to the experts for advice!

As always, thanks so much! I wish I could be as helpful here as others are to me, but I don’t think I’ll ever be THAT good at this computer stuff!!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:


MySharedFiles resides on a WD external 1 tb HD and has done so for about 2 years.
It’s running virtually 24/7/365 and is very active. I’d consider Western Digital a reliable external drive. IMHO

Some of their new ones aren’t faring so well especially the ones with Smartware.

I’ve been using a Seagate Free Agent for a couple of years now and I never have to do anything as it does the backups all on it’s own. Of course, the computer must be on at the time of the backups but you get to choose the day and time that is convenient for you.