Bank mode will not start.

I have AVAST Free Antivirus installed. It does not matter what I do bank mode will not start. My OS is Win 10 Pro.

You have half of what is needed to run Bank Mode.

The missing part is Avast Secure Browser.

You can get it here:

Watch the video and then download the browser. All credit goes to bob3160,

I have the same problem and I have the update of Secure Browser as well as Avast. The link to open Bank Mode looks live but it doesn’t respond. Please advise - thank you!

Exactly the same problem. Antivirus is up to date and bank mode will not start. Advanced settings simply do not respond - click, nothing.

Same problem. Clicking on bank mode from security and privacy center does nothing. However, I can open bank mode from the system tray icon. Confusing situation.

What version of avast? Free, Pro, Internet Security, Premier, Ultimate?

What build number? (See attached below for how to find build number)

Latest version does not show a security and privacy center that has an Avast Secure Browser feature.

I have same problem. My OS is Windows 7 and I have full Avast Internet Security. My SafeZone has just been updated to Avast Secure Browser and despite going in through the security and privacy centre, the Bank Mode icon appearing in green, clicking on Open will not activate it! I do the banking for my whole family in Bank Mode so am lost without it! Please help - any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Hi ValP28,

Try right-click avast icon in lower right corner and select ‘Bank Mode’.

Also here bank mode is not working any more: nothing happens when I click the green button “open” (yesterday it was working ok).

However, this is what helped me: I click the “Scan My PC” button (left next to the open bank mode button), then bank mode started working again…

Are you running the latest version of Secure Browser ???

Thanks for your reply but I have already tried that. I have since discovered that the Avast Secure Browser is not compatible with NatWest Online Banking. As Bank Mode only opens within the Avast Secure Browser and not one of the compatible browsers listed by NatWest, therein lies the problem!

If it opens in Chrome, it should also open in the Secure Browser.

I have a Premier account and the Secure Browser, My OP is Windows 10 and for almost a week now Bank Zone does not work. The icon for Bank mode on the security & Privacy centre is disabled and I have re-installed both programs a number of times to no avail, WHAT IS GOING ON ??

Try bob3160’s advice here:

I tried that little quick fix and halfway through a bank transaction it imploded.
How safe, how secure! FIX this already!

Please don’t post all over the place. See your other post for an answer to your problem.

My apologies. Got a wee bit frustrated there.
Working fine now as per instructions.

You’re welcome. Gland you’re back in business. :slight_smile:

All sorted, many thanks.