I have Avast Premium Security set to auto update. The last few days when I want to use the bank mode feature it won’t let me in unless I manually update APS. What gives with that?
Well it sorta helped, but if you close Bank Mode and try to re-open it with ASB open you end up with the same mess so for now it seems necessary to have to close ASB and re-open it before one can open Bank Mode. Ahhh the trials and tribulations. Perhaps restarting the computer after repairing ASB might be in order? I wasn’t prompted to do so.
My first time today when I clicked on ASB in add/remove programs I got the option to change so that’s what I did. Retried a bit ago and double clicked and chose repair. Let it work and then manually updated and rebooted. Hope that does it.
The repair to ASB to fix the bank mode problem. When I went to bank mode a minute ago instead of open it says learn more which means I have to manually update Avast Premium Security. So I went back and re-did the repair to Avast Premium Security.We’ll see if that works.
I repaired and restarted. So it works for today. I usually shut down my computer overnight so we will if it holds tomorrow morning and for how long. Would a clean uninstall-reinstall help?