Bart News

???recent AVAST news notification.
Bart CD released “dont miss it”

I clicked to learn more, however I received the following >

A null reference pointer was passed to the stubb!

Enlightenment needed on this one please.

Like the rest of Europe it is SWELTERING 8)

Win9x, right?
And what version of IE do you have?

Anyway, to access the iNews, start avast - you’ll see the latest news under the splash screen. And after avast starts, you can view the news by selecting ‘avast! iNews’ from the context menu.

We’re chasing the NULL-pointer issue - seems to be dependent on Windows and IE versions :-\


Thanks for quick response VIK.
IE 5.50.4807.2300 - win98se.

All right, this has been fixed.
Wiat for the next update…
