Battery Usage : Extreme!!!!

Help. Can you/anyone help here.

I’ve just installed Avast & Anti-Theft on 8th Nov. (Fantastic App…Love it)
My battery Usages is so Severe, that my Charger(s) CANNOT keep up with the battery drain.

I have 3 different Chargers, all of them exhibit same issue that :-
Phone is using more power than it can get from any of the chargers

Phone : HTC Incredible S
O/s : Android 4.0.4

Had Phone for 2 years, never had a battery problem until the day I installed Avast App.

Has anyone got any clues how to fix or do I just have to uninstall.


can you check your device Settings-Battery and see if it is really the fault of avast?


I have also noticed a major battery usage increase since using avast. In the power consumption screen avast is under the displays usage but over htc sense? that makes no sense.

Hi, Tx for the swift reply.
“check your device Settings-Battery and see if it is really the fault of avast?”
Happy to check, What would you like me to check?

I’ve had phone for 2 years, so generally good at judging the battery drain time.
Drain-rate is greater than the Chargers can supply…

In fact,
I saw a new error message from the Phone stating that “it could not charger faster than the drain”… A New error message indeed

Problem started the exact time that I installed Avast software…

I have 3 Chargers, (All results in the same… i.e Drain is greater than Supply)
I have a spare Emergency battery. (It too exhibits the same)

Problems Seems Odd, but what does this mean…
→ Cant use phone at present, which unfortunately means the Application is unusable

Happy to investigate further, but cannot keep phone on for longer than 4 hours
I need to switch it off, & wait for it to collect power from Chargers before re-trying…

Any help appreciated…

Yes, AVAST AT does in fact have major battery issues. Heres a couple things you can check

Is the CC SMS/ALL/CALLS command currently running? Or continuous tracking? These particular features are huge battery killers. Try to use those commands sparingly.

I’ll take a drain issue to have the best AT software out. For some, the trade off may not be worth it but for myself I dont mind


what I want you to do is:

  1. Turn off your device, charge it to 100%.
  2. Turn it on and immediately go to Settings-Battery when possible.
  3. Observe the battery usage while your battery discharge (it seems that in the case you are describing, something like 10 minutes should be enough).
  4. Tell me how much percent Mobile Security and Anti-Theft had. If they are the cause of your drain, they should definitely be visible in the top of the list.


Sadly here, The problem is SOLVED.

Solution : All I did was Uninstall this App, & my battery problem went away.

This is a real shame. Great application features.
If the Application destroys the primary function of the phone, then unfortunately it is not really Fit-for-Purpose.

I suspect I’ll check out the App again in 3 months time & see if it has resolved the Battery Drain issue

Although, Is it possible to Run the “Anti-Theft” part of the App, & forego the “Virus Checking” part?
That may have worked for me.



well, we won’t be able to fix it if we don’t know what’s causing it :slight_smile:

But yeah, you can run Anti-Theft without Mobile Security installed.


a good diagnosis help would be if you could reproduce the problem and then run (from adb shell or a terminal app) the command

dumpsys power

and send us this output!

Sending feedback would be enough and is much simpler to do.

"well, we won’t be able to fix it if we don’t know what’s causing it "
I know, & I take your point…
Time is too precious at the moment to investigate WHY it was happening…

I’ll come back to this when I have time… to help figure out why the App (Seemed) to be drawing sooo much power
“dumpsys power”… I’ll try to do that & send the output.

What i WILL try sooner is… just try the AT part 1st, if that works well, I’ll then add-in the Mobile-securty

Can you just make it clear how to organise just the AT part?
How do I just install AT. (is it not tightly linked into MS)



you install MS part, then you install AT, then you can safely uninstall MS part. You will still be able to access AT by calling your PIN (it won’t have any launch icon once enabled).


Thanks…Will try in next week

It does appear that whatever was going on was related to the App.
Problem resolved now…with App(s) removed

Any thoughts, or other reports of similar issues from other people?

Tx for you help though


no real ideas apart from the usual - try to turn off various parts of the app to see if any particular part causes the issue.

Also no “extreme” reports as you did as far as I know.



I was able to lower the battery usage by turning off the verification on programs execution (leaving the verification only on program download).
may be, this verification on execution could use some kind of datetime/size/md5sum to check if program changed before doing the verification, md5sum being last to avoid batt usage also.



I actually think it should do some caching. If you want, you can drop me an email to havlicek[at]avast[dot]com and I can make some debug build so we can look at what’s happening inside.


What device you have? Do you have any others apps installed? On Incredible S is known the battery problem (you can check the forum) - avast is not using so much battery, that you can even charge it.

F.e. you can use some GSam app for the report.

Wow, the OP never did post feedback. What a waste of time. Did anyone narrow down the battery drain? I got a bit nervous when I saw a setting for wakelocks. If I run into issues, I will definitely post a few screenshots from better battery stats.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:
