Beagle A-Z

My brother’s computer was loaded with the beagle family virus ,so when Avast Home was run he put them in the virus chest.Now so of his programs won’t work.Can he run the avast virus cleaner to fix his computer now,or should he restore them then run it? Any help would be appreciated


In general, the files should be on their original positions, not in the Chest.

However, avast! Virus Cleaner doesn’t support the file-infecting variants of Beagle yet - so it may not be able to remove the infection, if ordinary files are infected.

Do you have any suggestions?I don’t think that he can just delete them cause they are attached to some exe. files.Do you have any suggestions?


please report for each finding of avast:

  • exact virus/worm name
  • exact location= full path/folder/filename, like C:\windows\system32\wormfile.exe
  • what was done with it…(moved to chest, deleted, renamed etc etc)

you’ll find this info in the Report/log of avast

Brother’s computer is really messed up I think!!
Memory is infected,exe files.If I just delete them,won’t it mess up his computer?Any other thing can be done?
