Hi PK!
I must ask you a question.
For the “Java ™ Plug-In 2 SSV Helper” module will be added to a solution in Avast 5.0.545?
Or this Java module is incompatible with Avast 5.0.545 and This Java module is solely responsible for the problem?
I encountered this problem (IE8 and AIS sandbox in 5.0.545) yesterday.
I spent a few hours of my life that might just possibly have been used more productively for the betterment of mankind (but most likely I would have watched the football) trying to sort it, before coming on pk’s java plug-in fix from a month earlier.
This problem must potentially affect thousands (or millions?) of people with Avast Pro or AIS plus IE8.
Avast have all our e-mail addresses from licence distribution. Could we perhaps have been advised by e-mail of the problem and the fix to save us all a bit of angst (and leave us free to watch the footie)?