Behavior shield disabled


my behavior shield gets disabled every time after reboot. I tought this has been fixed :frowning:
Am I the only one with this issue?

have you tried avast repair and reboot?

how to repair? through system panel?

no, that didnt fix the problem . after reboot bahavior shield was disabled again

Check Avast About: for your version of avast; report back.

Please see my sig below for what to report.

Are you running a beta version?

I dont have Avast beta.
My Avast Free version is 18.3.2333
Windows 7 Home 64bit

Update to the latest version (19.3.2369):

Yes, I had (reported in beta thread) an issue with Behavior Shield Disabled, however, it no longer is present in the latest version OR latest beta version. :slight_smile:

ok, i will have to give a try to the update or maybe wait for beta to be official