Behavior Shield set to "Ask" does not ask, won't exclude files

The behavior shield snatches a .bat file in Win 7 which starts a program on a delay at boot, and quaratines it.
I have it set on “Ask” but it never does. It just tells me it moved it to the Virus Chest, and I can get it back, but it will not remember that it’s ok and does it all over the next boot.

I really need “Ask” to work, with an option to whitelist the file.

When making an exclusion, I had to put the file in its own folder because Avast won’t exclude files, just folders.

I’ve attached the .bat file FYI.

this is the new version 17.9.2322 build 17.9.3761.1
old version was ok

You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here:

Thanks, Asyn.
I uploaded the file to them a couple of days ago, I think it was.

Perhaps I should add that it’s Avast Free.

You’re welcome. (Be patient, it’s Christmas. ;))