Behavior Shield

I had the complete Comodo CIS installed some time ago. After massive problems with the AV, I uninstalled it and kept the firewall and D+ together with Avast6 (only file system shield).
This combination ran very smoothly. Then Avast7 came up, and I have now tested it long enough to say that this combination also runs smoothly.
Now I want to get rid of D+ which is effective but buggy. I would therefore like to test the Avast behaviour shield and, if not already contained in my file system shield, the heuristics engine.

  1. Has anyone experiences with the Avast behaviour shield combined with Comodo firewall?
  2. How do I add the behaviour shield to my Avast installation?
    Best regards
    Uncle Scrooge

On my XP-Laptop avast Free (incl. Behavior Shield) works fine with Comodo firewall.
Adding on XP: Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast → add/remove(?) then select the components you want to install.
on Win7/Vista: Control Panel → Programs & Features → avast → add/remove (not sure if it’s called exactly “add/remove” because i’m using the german version)
