Best ad text for avast - show your creativity!

Hi, from time to time a thread on this forum is started by one of the mods instead of “regular guys”. That’s when we need some help from you. This is such an occasion so now you have the chance to show your creativity. :slight_smile:

We’re looking for the best text to be placed to the avast entry at this site:
(we would like to replace the existing text which we feel is not teasing enough ;)).

The importance of this page will grow considerably in the next few month as this is the page that WinXP SP2 sends you to if you don’t have any of the recognized AV’s installed… And as far as we know, that’s still about 27% WinXP users (believe it or not…).

Let’s make most of this page! Have fun! :slight_smile:


Version #1:
avast! antivirus software is based on comprehensive ALWIL Software scanning engine available since 1988.
avast! antivirus features advanced multi-layer protection for files transfered via e-mail, Peer-2-Peer networks, Instant Messaging, webpages and optical drives, providing high security against viruses, worms, trojans and even spyware.
We offer avast! antivirus in multiple editions, providing protection for Home computers, PDAs and for large corporate networks running Windows, Exchange or ISA Servers.

Ok this is it,but you can remove that spyware text. I have added it because avast! detected lots of spyware files as Trojan-Gen on my PC and i thought it would be nice to include this in the description.

Version #2:
avast! antivirus software is based on comprehensive ALWIL Software scanning engine available since 1988.
avast! antivirus features advanced multi-layer protection for files transfered via e-mail, Peer-2-Peer networks, Instant Messaging, webpages and optical drives, providing high security against viruses, worms, trojans and even spyware.
We offer avast! antivirus in multiple editions, starting from free Home Edition for personal use, PDA Edition and Server Edition for large corporate networks running Windows, Exchange or ISA Servers.

Don’t know how to correctly express that “starting from” text :wink:

Version #3:
avast! antivirus software is based on comprehensive ALWIL Software scanning engine available since 1988.
avast! antivirus features advanced multi-layer protection for files transfered via e-mail, Peer-2-Peer networks, Instant Messaging, webpages and optical drives, providing high security against viruses, worms, trojans and even spyware.
We offer avast! antivirus in multiple editions, starting from free Home Edition for personal use, PDA Edition and Server Edition for large corporate networks running Windows, Exchange or ISA Servers. In addition, we offer free 24/7 support by experienced avast! users on our forums or via our support e-mail.

Sorry,but i have no idea on where to put the text that avast! is a skinable antivirus. Maybe they’ll think that its not so “professional” if its capable of changing skins,who knows ??. CoJo,thanks for support idea :slight_smile:

ALWIL Software

avast! antivirus is an integrated and easy-to-use solution for Microsoft users: a modular engine for complete and fully customizable security, cleaning and protection. With low system resources consumption, automatic and incremental updates, avast! is always ready to protect all your system. Its Heuristic module recognizes as well as new and unknown infections. The avast! technology is ICSA certifyed for all Windows environment (9x/NT/ME/2000/XP), PDAs, networks, intranets, Servers (Windows/Exchange/ISA), offering you a faster and reliable on-line technical support.

Put something about it being one of the only free to home users antivirus programs. That is a major strength that gets people in the door and eventually turns them into paying customers. I know for a fact that when I start my company that I will be purchasing Avast Server edition. Avast creates customer loyalty.

Yeah i thought about that too :slight_smile:
What do you think about my second version?

Here is my suggestion.
Avast! Antivirus technology offers a completely FREE home version of our unique and award winning Antivirus program, as well as, extremely competitive prices on our corporate software. Avast! Antivirus is offered in a number of editions and a variety of languages, is highly customizable and is exceptionally user friendly. Avast! Antivirus protects home and business computers, laptops, PDAs, and large networks including Windows servers, Exchange Servers, and ISA Servers. Avast! Antivirus software established in 1988 uses the ALWIL Software virus scanning technology, which effectively and thoroughly scans for computer viruses, worms and Trojans and can be used to scan objects, such as files, memory, e-mails, and web sites. Avast! Antivirus is updated on a very regular basis to insure that you are protected from the latest threats. Technical support for Avast! Antivirus is FREE through the use of email, and a tremendously popular support forum. Avast! Antivirus is devoted to customer support and software quality creating happy, loyal and satisfied customers.

I think your is ok,but it sound like our software is super duper best of the best you can ever get. Too much “high” words for my opinion…


RejZor, I really like Version 2!
The only thing I would add is something about the incredible support from Alwil itself and our wonderful forums…both are great for experts and novices alike!
Many forums are not very kind to beginners…


I like everything Jam-Computers wrote… it is so strong and delivers everything right into the brain…

I Like Rejzors Version 2

I agree with CoJo … plus, to RejZoR’s second version, add that the interface is skinable (the tease Vlk suggested) which makes the program a little more personal to the user. :smiley:

And yes, many forums are not very kind to new users. The support given on this forum is outstanding! :smiley:

Jam & Technical also wrote ads with many very good points in them. :wink:

Maybe all 3 could be combined with the other suggestions added in also. ;D

I listened to CoJo’s idea about support (check Version #3),but i still don’t have idea on where to put that avast! is skinable antivirus. Version #4 calls for help :slight_smile:

Yeah, I like this one:

Sorry,but i have no idea on where to put the text that avast! is a skinable antivirus. Maybe they'll think that its not so "professional" if its capable of changing skins,who knows ??...

Well, then it’s really stupid to have all those skins. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended in any way, but then it’s really unprofessional to have all those skins available if all of you are affraid what someone would think of skinning feature. Let avast! have only one skin, some professional or better say, totaly-basic-plain one. Skinning then makes this product like childs play… ::slight_smile:

We shouldn’t be kids any more people… we have to stand straight behind this antivirus and defend it like it’s defending us. We shouldn’t care what some bunch of jelaous reviewers from some stupid magazine is saying… THIS IS avast! antivirus !!! DO NOT ever forget that ! And all those features puts that antivirus tool above all others… right to the top. If someone thinks that this antivirus is not so effective just because it can change it’s skins, then forgive me, but I have to say, he is so stupid that I can not believe… just take a look at all those NOKIA cell phones… changeable skins and all those features doesn’t make that phone any worse than other cell phones out in the market… Nokia is always Nokia, best of the best. Maybe this example is not the best one to compare with, but at least it gives you the picture…

avast! is the best - with skins or without and I don’t give a damn what few stupid freaken reviewers thinks about that. CoJo taught me that I shouldn’t listen just few bad words about my work, I should listen all those that likes mine and Martin’s work, and I should listen to my inerself…

Seriously, I’m not gonna be mad… erase all those skins and I promise, this antivirus will be same like before… so strong and powerful, nothing can make it look weak. We just need to present that antivirus in best possible light girls and guys, not to be affraid what they’re going to say if we write this or that… screw them all (not bad word, I mean with screwdriver ;D) !!!

Avast! RULEZ !!!

Ok ok i get the picture :slight_smile:
Now try to somehow put this skining feature into my text,because i have now idea where or how hehe

You don’t have to put that inside your text to make avast! better looking. avast! is so good even without mentioning it… if someone likes to change skins, he will find download section… no big deal at all…

I’m not very good in writing texts, so I’ll leave it to you guys…

Make them want out avast!, make them want it so bad…

Yeah,but this text will end up on MS page where the SP2 security center will take you if you’d have no AV installed. We should somehow write the best stuff of avast! so others could say,this is it by just reading that text. I can try to add skinning,but this would be the last thing to add i guess. Everything good about avast! was already written. Ok i’ll go back to work :wink:

Version #4
avast! antivirus software is based on comprehensive ALWIL Software scanning engine available since 1988.
avast! antivirus features fully skinable interface, fast incrimental updates and advanced multi-layer protection for files transfered via e-mail, Peer-2-Peer networks, Instant Messaging, webpages and optical drives, providing high security against viruses, worms, trojans and even spyware.
We offer avast! antivirus in multiple editions, starting from free Home Edition for personal use, PDA Edition and Server Edition for large corporate networks running Windows, Exchange or ISA Servers. In addition, we offer free 24/7 support by experienced avast! users on our forums or via our support e-mail.

What do you think about this one?

RejZor…this is very good!
Thank you so much for adding the support information as I know it will be lesss intimidating to new users.

Just one suggestion, please? instead of, “starting from” use '“starting with our…” jmo, of course!

Thank you for your hard work…


Version #5
avast! antivirus software is based on comprehensive ALWIL Software scanning engine available since 1988.
avast! antivirus features fully skinable interface, fast incremental updates and advanced multi-layer protection for files transfered via e-mail, Peer-2-Peer networks, Instant Messaging, webpages and optical drives, which provides high security against viruses, worms, trojans and even spyware.
We offer avast! antivirus in multiple editions, starting with our free Home Edition for personal use, Professional Edition with extended functionality, PDA Edition and Server Edition for large corporate networks running Windows, Exchange or ISA Servers. In addition, we offer free 24/7 support by experienced avast! users on our forums or via our support e-mail.

Hope i’m closing to the final hehe :wink: If anyone has other idea,feel free to change mine or to make completely new ad text.
It looks like only me and JAM are working on this one. Oh and CoJo for great help :slight_smile: