Beta -> Registered Version

As you might have guessed i am testing the beta across my network. Will it be possible to update to a commercial licence once the beta period is over?


Well, at least in the case of workstations (the “agents”, i.e. the avast’s on the individual computers).

In case of the AMS and/or the consoles, you may need to reinstall due to changes in DB structure but that should be fairly easy.

cool! thanx! :slight_smile:

BTW we even plan to provide update paths for avast! Professional → avast! NetClient.

this is quite cool! i had boutgh i think 5 licences for testing :slight_smile:

Is this just going to be an automatic update for installed Professional clients or will clients have to be redeployed? I assume from this statement that adnm is not going to administer the professional version? Will there be a cost difference between the Pro version and the netclient version?

Is this just going to be an automatic update for installed Professional clients or will clients have to be redeployed?

Semi-automatic. You’ll have to replace one file in the Pro’s installation folder. It will then update to the netclient.

I assume from this statement that adnm is not going to administer the professional version?

Well roughly netclient = pro+agent. Without the agent, it won’t work obviously… so - yes, you need the netclient.

Will there be a cost difference between the Pro version and the netclient version?

No. ADNM will be “complimentary” (of course, provided you have the apropriate number of Pro/Server Edition licenses)…

Hope this helps,