Better performance in comparatives/benchmarks

Some other security tools, recommend some default configuration changes for comparing/benchmarking. There is no need to mention such names, because probably all of you know about them.

I guess, that recommending leveraging heuristic level to high, and activating PPD detection will increase detection ratio in benchmarks. Also setting the scan priority to high, will spedup the analysi, meaning that Avast will rank higher both in terms of detection as well as speed, same other tools do.

Of course, higher false positives will arise, but I guess this is worth for benchmarking.

Any one will support changing these Avast default values?

Not really as the current out of the box setup appears to work quite well. Although I do active Hardened mode and PUP scans on my system

I wonder what is the reason of having PUP disabled by default…

I dont know, but they should turn it on by default cause PUPs and Adware are back really bad nowerdays.

Heres a good video about this:

PUPs are just that “potentially” unwanted programs.
Some PUPs are actually good while others do lots of harm.
If you have PUPs enabled you had better know what you are doing.

@ essexboy Why do you have “hardened mode” enabled?

Two good answers by essexboy and RejZoR why one should have Hardened Mode enable. Of course we Comodo user can relay on D+, but an extra layer of defense never is a bad idea. I also have enabled Hardened Mode set to agressive.

Thanks! I now have mine enabled to aggressive.
An extra layer of security is not a bad idea. 8)