Better Protection??

ok, i have malwarebytes and superantispyware aside avast 5 beta, is that already enough or i should reinstall MSE aside those anitmalware application i already have? coz i think MBAM+SAS (not including avast 5 beta since it’s not updating) is enough to protect my system, btw i also have winpatrol…

tnx in advance!!! ;D

I would not rely on avast! 5 beta for protection. When the next beta is available I will install it on a redundant, image-recoverable PC only.

Even after 5 is released, I’m in no hurry to ditch 4.8 Pro on my “mission critical” PC. I’ll wait a few months 'till it’s even better!

your answer is very far to the answer im expecting…

Just as well you asked, then. ;D
I would strongly recommend against using any Beta software for protection purposes, unless it’s on a test computer.
By installing Beta software, you are agreeing to its possible limitations and bugs.
SAS and MBAM (if one of them is resident) will do a good job of partially protecting your computer.
You really also need an AV, and should definitely use a firewall.

You won’t need to wait that much…

Are you using MBAM full or SAS Pro? Well if not, you are still unprotected. Better have something to help avast 5 unless you are running it on a virtual machine.

no i dont use paid version(both) maybe i will install MSE when school starts again(maybe your familiar with that stupid ondoy)…

Hi Tech
So positive! …and probably so right. :wink: