A PC Pro reader was left startled after a customer support company rang his grandfather to tell him there was a virus on his PC, and then tried to charge him £185 to remove it.
Beware!! hxxp://www.thenerdsupport.com/ is a SCAM.
I’ve had a few of those phone calls in the last few months :
Where the caller starts off trying to tell me they are calling because I have problem with my computer.
They sometimes try to make out they are working for Microsoft.
That’s as far as they get… Before I scream at them and slam the phone down ;D
But You Know What?
Pick up the phone… And they are still there :o
Slam - Pick Up - Still There! … Slam - Pick Up - Still There!
It takes about 5 good screams and slams to get rid of them >:(
Trouble Is…
On April 1st My ISP Called.
I gave the poor lad a terrible time :-[
Coz I was just so scared to believe he was who he said he was.
Nearly missed out on an upgrade.
Really , that’s the problem i am also facing , i also got a call from someone and they are saying to me that i have a virus in my computer , then i ask about their company and the answer is nerd support , but how it is possible , i already have the yearly subscription from nerd support and i am having no problem in my pc ,nerd support providing me better services . i think ,anyone is using their name , so beware of such type of calls that say they are from nerd support.
If they are still trying to sell you their “service”, it just proves they are incompetent as well as fraudulent.
"They showed him a fake list of faults a full-page long, then directed him to a payment area for a bill of £185," related McCartney, who arrived just in time to stop the payment.
According to The Nerd Support’s homepage the £185 buys one year’s worth of support, however, a closer look at the company’s Terms of Service reveals some worrying clauses. “The Nerd Support Group reserve the right to cancel service at any time with no prior notice, for any reason they, in their sole discretion, deem appropriate,” it said.
“You agree, as our client, to be financially responsible for all services rendered. You also agree to refrain from requesting ‘charge-backs’ or canceling any fees or service charges paid for with your credit card,” it continued.
That’s not all that’s suspect about the company’s website. The Customer Testimonials and FAQs pages are copied from other websites, including iYogi - a legitimate customer support company - and amusingly still offer that company’s phone number.
We contacted The Nerd Support ourselves using the company’s 0203 “freephone” number (which isn’t actually free), which took us to a foreign-language menu system. Blindly pressing numbers led us to a customer service advisor who claimed to be based in London, but refused to give us a company address, or answer our questions, before hanging up.
The company is not registered at Companies House, and a WHOIS search directed us to domain registrar GoDaddy.