Thanks you Alwil, thank you !!!

I just noticed little pink Birthday cake inside my profile… hehe, it means it’s my birthday, yeap - 33rd birthday (oh my God)…

Thanks again !

Happy Birthday!

Thanks Culpeper !

Happy Birthday my friend. ;D

Happy Birthday from down-under

Thanks bbfi, thanks Australia (philsharp) ;D

Oh my God… all those cakes… too much sugar in my life ;D

It’s funny… the time difference between Canada (Toronto) and my motherland Croatia is exactly 6 hours… so, my birthday begun earlier… :slight_smile: I totally forgot, but I saw little pink birthday cake inside my profile, 'cause Czech Republic is very, very closely located to Croatia (they both are in the same time zone)…

Anyone knows is there any tweak (like in WindowsXP) I can turn back my time ? That way I could be 23 years old again, instead of these 33 ::slight_smile: ;D

Cheers !

You mean 32 not 23 :wink: Happy bithday anyway 8)
I would make a cake Avast! skin for you,but its a bit too complicated for me hehe (i don’t even know how to extract files from skin archive ::slight_smile: )

No, no, no… I mean 23… if I want 32 again, that doesn’t give me anything… I would be still too old… ;D

I want my 23 back… oh those were woderful years, I was free as a bird… no job, no wife ( :P), no brain ( ;D)…

Btw, for extracting avast! skins, you need ActiveSkin Skin Builder… to bad, program is not simple, one of those “edit bitmaps and go”, and what’s even worse, it’s full of bugs… so you must know all tricks while you’re in process of skin designing…

Btw, Rejzor… Have you got all those PNG’s ObjectDock icons made by me I sent you yesterday ?


You are still a youngster to me. I’ve got almost 20 years on you. :o

Back when I was 33, I was walking 6 miles a day on my Postal Route (no matter what the weather or how many dogs were attacking me). I NEVER want to go back to those days! ::slight_smile:

happy birthday sasha (even if its late :frowning: )

happy birthday Sasha ;D

Happy Birthday Sasha from the land of OZ!

Thanks guys… I couldn’t respond in last few days… I was on business trip… working from early morning till 12 PM every single day.

Thanks again for your greetings !

Cheers !