Bit of an Annoyance with Threat Detections...

i was quite annoyed that threat detections now put a post to twitter link saying that avast detected a threat for you, the twitter icon is pretty large and annoying to see considering ive already paid for avast, i dont want twitter links in my detection alerts personally. is there a way to remove this, or can avast remove this in a program update please.

heres a screenshots for those interested:

i really dont need twitter to be in my AV.

wow I don’t have avast currently installed, so I can’t see that, and I didn’t see that they put twitter there… okay… honestly, my first reaction, i.e. less than a second was WTF… but actually hey, that’s no bad idea at all. It gives you the opportunity to send - or not - a warning on a social network. I do completely agree with the concept.

i was quite annoyed that threat detections now put a post to twitter link saying that avast detected a threat for you
What's the problem with it ??? is it mentioning you by name or identifying you in any way in that post ???

that may be great for advertising, but i dont really use twitter and ive already paid for my avast product so why do i get this annoyance, keep it in the free version if they wish, but take it out of the pro and IS versions, or make it an option in the avast settings to enable or disable social media links or something.

ok… second thought, I just tried it, and here’s what I just IM’ed to a friend about it:

“ok that’s completely stupid, after all, it just launches your twitter account - so far this was expected - but it gives no details whatsoever about the threat: the message is just this: “Whoa, that was close… avast! just saved my computer from infection!” … ridiculous, that’s just meant to advertise avast.”

I’m extremely disappointed.

Wow… I didn’t expected that coming from avast!

An advertisement… even though I don’t use Twitter, is not really nice to see this.

Great I don’t use twitter ;D

This most certainly is the marketing team gone mad, this should at best not be on any alert as the last thing on your mind would twittering (aside from the obvious twittering) in mid infection. At worst not on any paid version of avast (blatant advertising) even though I’m using the free version (in case anyone is saying paid version snob ;D).

I can easily ignore this as I do the Summary ad in the free version. In fact there appears to be a way to avoid it anyway. I don’t like automated actions and I always set avast to Ask as the first action so I get a different alert window, no twitter branding.

Update: I reset my expert settings, actions to move to chest and ran the test again and I get the normal alert window, but I don’t get a twitter logo.

So there has to be some kind of checking going on if you haven’t got twitter installed then it couldn’t send you to twitter.

i guess so, i only have automated decisions for the webguard since thers really no option other than to abort the connection anyways, ther is no ignore so i leave it on auto for the webguard, but i sure hope to see avast remove this in at least the paid versions, im quite unhappy about this.

Same here. I dont have a Twitter icon. (not that I want one ;D)

Even though there is no other option than Abort connection, setting it to Ask would still block the twitter branding on the alert/notification, so you just have to acknowledge Abort and it is dismissed.

ye i just switched it to ask for now, but i hope to see avast remove this ad sometime soon.

Personally I would like to know a) how they know if you have a twitter account and how they incorporate the clickable link to your account.

im assuming through browser cookies from twitter? :-\

You still need to sign into twitter in order to post.

I don’t think so as browser cookies from twitter shouldn’t be accessible to third parties. Whilst it might well be possible to find out if you have a twitter account from what you have on your system. I have to say that isn’t something I would have though avast would do. That is why I wanted to know how it would be possible to do it, without it being considered snooping.

im guessing it works in the same way that u can share youtube videos to ur facebook simply by being logged into facebook in ur browser on ur PC even if a Facebook tab is not open, and same thing for being able to share youtube video on twitter in the same way. i dont know exactly how its done but thats what i wuld think. and i can agree that i def do not appreciate avast doing this.

This is totally wrong, it really is about time Avast stopped playing silly games like this and concentrated on providing what we paid for, a stable ,reliable security system.

5.1 is/was anything but stable and there have been far too many version releases in a short time. Despite reinstalls and repairs 5.1 regularly fails to load shields at system start or shields/firewall suddenly just stop/turn off. I have seen this on several systems and 3 of my own. I am seriously considering removing Avast (3 year,3 machine license) and finding something else to replace it as we keep seeing extra features and “bits” tacked on but an AV that is failing to secure machines.

agreed this NEEDS to be removed and honestly s@cks. it seems with ever new version there is more advertising going on with the paid versions. if it was the free one fine and i would not complain one bit but i paid A LOT of money for all my avast lic’s (i have more than 12 of them) i should not have to deal with this and i do NOT use nor do i have a twitter account so why do i have this??? this will NOT make me sign up to twitter either it honestly just kinds ticks me off. remove this please

and yes i also seem to only see it on the web shield. on a file shield alert i dont see it.

Ugh; this social networking madness >:( :-X

I don’t mind the advertising banner and upgrade button in the free version, but cluttering any (free or paid) version with completely pointless junk such as the “like” button or this completely sucks. This has absolutely nothing to do with AV functionality, computer protection or whatever.

Imagine having a Twitter icon in MS Office, e.g. PowerPoint that’d produce “Whoa, that was close… finished my presentation just before deadline. Microsoft Office just saved my ass from getting fired!

??? :o