BitDefender and Avast together???

I might install BitDefender as a backup (with resident virus shield turned off). However, when I do decide to scan with BitDefender does Avast have to be turned off or can BitDefender scan (not the resident virus shield) with Avast resident running? Thanks for any help.

::slight_smile: :o ::slight_smile:


I do not recommend running an antivirus with another running resident.
If you want to use BitDefender as a backuup, you should stop Avast from running the resident processes.




No problem at all. I like to be safe rather than sorry. Besides the conflict that may result, the scan results could very much be in error and you will not have a true picture of your system integrity.

and to turn off the avast “residentt” scanner I simply stop the following

internet mail
instant messaging
P2P shield
standard shield

is that right??

thanks again


Yes, that should do it.

thanks again

have a great day


Why can’t you just “pause” the standard shield until the other scan is finished? It seems more convenient.


The free version of BitDefender doesn’t have a resident scanner. I have BitDefender Free & avast Home installed. I’ve never disabled either one when doing a scan & I haven’t had any problems.