my screen just went black with the words KERNEL 32 caused a general protection fault in module krn386.exe at 0001:000075a8, rebooted all seems ok now, has anone any idea what that means?
- you have to google or use Microsoft’s knowledge-base yourself,
-give us more info, e.g. Update-Status of your WIN-ME, more Details on installed hardware/Software, Hijackthis-Log (you know the link ;))
P.S.: Sometimes these faults happen because of
- too many loaded Modules/applications, or
- because of Ad-/SpyWare… → so running your SPYBOT and running ad-Aware (after Updating) might be a good idea…
Many thanks, I would have gone to search, but didn’t know what to look for on this occasion, I do try not to bother you all if I can help myself, sorry, I had few things running at the time, and at close down I scan with everything which I will do later, I was just curious what it could have been :-[
Also read the event and system log of XP.
(right click my computer > manage)
Take any error to the ms kb and to google to see what it is and how to solve it.