Good reasoning especially when you have reason for doubt.
Golden rule is"Do not trust a thing, and once bitten means twice shy".
If only the happy clickers on the Internet would realize, we could all sleep a bit easier,
(I’ve edited the photo to take out the names and Skype’s of the people and I so they don’t get unwillingly spammed, except the idiot who started chatting me).
By The way, in all likely-hood, it’s a bot.
Notes: If you catch any names except super.juicy1, please let me know ASAP in a PM with a location so I can remove it. There are some on there that live out in Australia, and prefer not to be woken at 2AM there time!!
Know that Skype ads have been compromised, block and also everything outside of your known contacts.
Well what came up on dtbgswas dot flingsecure dot c0m?
It redirected this time to htxp:// utm_source=addon&utm_content=popup
(this scam/fake site comes up via skype and ask for your credit info)…
Re: bad web rep -
See the IP badness history:
Kazy and Bancos spread from there. → dtbgswas.flingsecure dot com,,Parked/expired,
Bingo the malware and description of it:
At the crux of it: api.traffixtrack dot com/splashlog.php?ua=Mozilla%2F4.0+%28compatible%3B+MSIE+5.5%3B+Windows+NT+5.0%29&ip=66.108.//185.88&site=SecureInvite&
info: [img] api.traffixtrack dot com/pixel.php?p=1&a=1-1001118-95 ( get a Trust Score of 0%)
So yes, I think we have stumbled upon something hitherto not detected
First a server redirect: Code: 302, hxtp://
Yeah, this skype bot isn’t the only one to have attempted the same trick on me.
Previously this year some one tried the same thing. Same Fling thing, just slightly different. It, has been blocked on Skype and reported as spam to Skype for investigation and possible banning (If that’s even possible).
Not surprising about the CC info, they were looking for at all. Thankfully, at 16, I’m not permitted to own a Credit Card, even if I was, dare not I use it on some stupid site like that (Or any other porn one for that matter).
Btw, that site link, is in Russian I think, and I cannot read it!
Thanks again, Michael, for finding this one up and reporting it to the support forums.
t was quite interesting for me to be able to dissect this robotic Skype-driven threat.
Be aware of with what ill/evil/fake and scam bot you communicate,
else “sexy what’s her name” gonna ask for your credit card again ;D