Blackouts darken Brazil's 2 largest cities

Blackouts darken Brazil’s 2 largest cities

I guess this is why we aren’t seeing Tech in here. He lives in Sao Paulo.

I hope they get power restored soon. :slight_smile:

Tech is busy in a business tour I think.


Tech is busy in a business tour I think.
+1 ;D

There is a lot of UFO activity in Brazil.

Yes,I know whistle theme from “X-Files”,but there is.

UFO’s are associated with blackouts.


Aliens need a little pus…

Nope,I am not getting banned!!

[b]Brazil outage NOT caused by hackers[/b]

Posted by Robert Graham at 9:22 PM

I just got through watching the CBS 60 Minutes special on cyberhackers, where they claim that major power outages in Brazil (in 2005 and 2007) were caused by hackers. This is unlikely to be true.

Health problems rarely occur in isolation or for obvious reasons

Instead of simply guessing at what might be wrong, let us help you discover what is really going on inside your body based on the many clues it is giving.

I was. How did you discover?
I was working in the darkness last night, only with the notebook light, translating the avast5 help files.

you mentioned it somewhere. don’t know where.

so now, is the power back?..


Juz wonder… Alien need use avast AV for they system?? :X :X


Well, they need avast AV to keep them from earthly infections.

Is this you?

No Kenny,I honestly say my last post there was the one you cited earlier last year.
I take credit for my “work” even when I shudder to see it after the fact.

PS# To my knowledge I was never banned from Malwarebytes,cautioned,yes,banned no.

In any event,an IP check can determine the truth of my statement.
That’s how Comodo rained on my parade.(IP banning).


Oh,they need protection!
My bet is they do the same thing to us,we do to them.
They “back engineer” Avast!.
We get secret black program, anti-gravity propulsion systems,
and they get comprehensive Windows (and Linux)system protection.

If they would just slack up on the “nether region probes” everybody would be a winner!!