Blank Avast! process in firewall rules

Does anyone know what the blank process is in the Avast! Firewall rules? Avast! has a set of rules for it whatever it is. :wink:

Never mind. Under “Packet Rules” it tells me it is the SafeZoneBrowser. Certainly stealhier than I expected. ::slight_smile:

Interesting. I wonder what was the cause of this.
What if you delete the rule, does it get recreated with the blank name again?


Yes, it does recreate the rule with the blank name again. Well, at least for me.

Interesting. For me, it says “SafeZone Browser”…

No, when I deleted it, I got a popup and SafeZone Browser back when you next used SZB… Seems to be part of the initial installation rules.

Nevermind, I just tested it again and it displays SafeZone Browser now.

OhOh. I just deleted it and tried again and got no popup, no rule at all in the Firewall Rules. Not even one named blank. And the Safe Mode Firewall is working fine and is where this is posted from. Except for the attachment added later. Now that is really stealthy!