Win7 x64 Ultimate, previously used Avast 5, upgraded to 6, now upgraded to 7 all installed in the default location.
Former Internet Tech support agent, familiar with firewall and anti-virus issues.
Use ccleaner to remove junk files, Spybot for spyware removal with the immunize function
Happened all of a sudden that the screen saver scanner would scan nothing, and then no scan options, and trouble updating.
Removed and reinstalled Avast with no luck,
Used competitor free AVG for a few weeks, but really don’t like it as much (no virus’ found) and webscan found the same, no virus’
Figured I would give it another go, reinstalled free Avast 7 same thing all blank in scan options, screensaver scan didn’t work
got the Avast removal tool, aswclear which doesn’t work by the way, it left files, and registry entries all over the computer
manually hunted for and removed all the avast folders and files, including hidden ones in program data,
manually searched and removed all the avast registry entries,
reinstalled free Avast 7. Now it’s working properly
A removal tool that actually worked, and hunted down all the files and folders of the program, and the registry entries would be helpful
and would have fixed my issue, rather than having to do it manually
(Optional) If you want, save your avast! settings for later restoration (Settings > Maintenance > Back up).
Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1 in Safe Mode. Boot after you’ve run it. Repeat this for any major avast! version you have ever installed/upgraded in your computer.
Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro. Or even upgrade your key from old versions.
Check and post the results. If, for any reason, you did not solve, try doing the step 3 in Safe Mode anyway.
Hi all. new adherent to Avast. I had mega problems with infestation. My AVG was coming up clean every scan. Ran Microsoft Malware tool which indicated that there were multiple problems. So I downloaded Avast which immediately found tons of stuff and dealt with it (moved to chest). Then did a Boot scan in safe mode which took over 3 hours and it dealt with a load more stuff undetected by AVG. My query is–Among the files noted in the results were 2 about AVG. --avgmfap.exe-1299370734… Does this mean that AVG was itself infected and that was why it was not detecting stuff? I also noted here that I should have removed AVG before installing AVAST, which I didn’t. What do I do now? Un-install everything and start all over?
next time, start your own topic where you explain your problem
you find the new topic button in top right corner of every forum section you enter/want to start a new topic in
yes you should have removed AVG, never install multiple AV programs
running multiple av can give all kind of mysterious windows errors and false positive detections
Thanks Pondus, I stand re-directed. Do I now un-install everything (including Avast) and do a re-install and re-boot operation? BTW, does that file reference to AVG mean anything like I thought? tnks