Hi malware fighters,
The list and the various threats can be found here: http://www.sacour.cn/post/253.html
or here: http://www.sacour.cn/list/2010519.htm
Example: htxp://www.johncontabilista.com/depositos/Install_Flash_Player10.scr
Some of the URLs on the list have already disappeared…
re: hxtp://korvas.net/super-antispyware-4-39-1002-professional-maker-at4re-key-keygen-free.html
malcode site with keygens - source of infections…
Can be blocked via this trojan trap site block list: http://sky.geocities.jp/ro_hp_add/ro_hp_add_hosts.txt
Apparently Japan is the safest place on the Internet, a meager 1 to 410 change to meet malcode there - Nihon iti!
Turkey and Russia are the least safe places on the Internet: http://avg.typepad.com/files/internet-virus-release-english-final-1.pdf