Blocked A File!

I’ll get right into it: While Team Fortress 2(Steam Game) was updating, Avast has blocked or removed a file during the process, I still don’t know wich file is it, but it’s preventing the game from updating. Help!
Also this is the second time i see this happening and by the second time i mean, that i had to reinstall the game last time just to get it working, but another update shows up and ruins the thing.
And yes i did try to disable Avast, but that was right after blocking the file, I also excluded the whole steam folder, Then started the update again, but still not updating, any clue what’s happening.

The file could be being detected either during the download, or if it’s an installation-type scenario,
something could be running from the temp file and being blocked there.

During it, yet I couldn’t find anything in temp. Is it possible to view the blocked files by Avast?

Sure, look in the log file and/or chest.