Hi, I want download game Caesar III from steam, but this fuking AVAST(!!!) block it and now steam write: CONTENT FILE LOCKED. Because fuking AVAST get it to virus chest! What to do?!
and what does avast say when blocking it? … all info on the message or post screenshot
if he block it, nothing, but I can’t play game, I try repair on the steam, but than it don’t downloading, I look to the virus chest and there is C3.exe (game file) and reason: IDP.Generic
If you think it is a false positive
How to report >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14433.msg1289438#msg1289438
And how to get files, if they are in virus chest?!
did you see >> Submitting files from the Virus Chest to Avast Virus Lab
create a folder on desktop, exclude that folder from avast scanning, extract (not restore) file to that folder
On the file, what I want is just Restore, nothing else (oh, is there delete too), but nothing else. -_-
close avast and open again … any change?
also try right click avast tray icon and access chest from that menu
Not change, I try close and open Avast and Avast virus chest more times and nothing
well i dont use avast so cant assist with that.
My virus chest allows for a file in the chest to ‘Send for analysis’ and ‘Restore’ why you haven’t got this is beyond me.
Have you tried to exclude that file in the avastUI > Settings > Exclusions - File Paths. When you initially try to set this it excludes the file folder with * (wildcard) this * can be changed for the file to be excluded C3.exe (if that is correct).
Yes, I have send to analysis too, but only on few files, not on everything
and I only try add it to exceptions, but not help
The problem being if it isn’t actually alerting on a file, it is hard to determine what exactly happening, it shouldn’t just block. I don’t know if this may be a case of whilst avast analyses a file (possibly by the Behaviour Shield) the game times out so doesn’t load.
Since you only have C3.exe in the virus chest and having excluded that, are you able to restore it from the chest or aren’t you given that option ?
You could try adding the C3.exe file to the Behaviour Shield > Settings (Customize) > Exclusions.
Yes, I’ll tried it, but it don’t help. There is option restore, but this option write error, that this file can’t be restored.
This is why I uninstalled Avast! No warnings no nothing !!! (Unacceptable!!!)