Main page is empty and not a single page is opening.
All others give a 404.
It would have been nice if avast announced that they where gonna make changes/perform maintenance on it.
Main page is empty and not a single page is opening.
All others give a 404.
It would have been nice if avast announced that they where gonna make changes/perform maintenance on it.
I don’t even get a 404 error, just a blank page.
Also get an empty page: redirect loop detected (max_redirect = 0)
So it could be Akamai at the culprit of this, not Avast!
For url ip: I get a no private connection and Invalid URL
The requested URL “/”, is invalid.
Reference #9.4cdedd58.1448830746.185792b5
Misconfiguration is here: Check Google Apps Settings
FAIL: Found invalid MX records, the following mail servers should be excluded from your DNS configuration:
Google Apps Support: MX Records should be properly set!
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)
you are late, 5 days late
I can’t see how this is 5 days late, since the article is only from the 3rd Dec 2015 - It appears Bob isn’t responding to the blog being down - but this new blog entry/article. I think more wrong topic than late.
Yes that’s confusing and Bob doesn’t add any dialogue with his Screenshot. :-\
Yes that’s confusing and Bob doesn’t add any dialogue with his Screenshot. :-\
The screenshot was only to show that I’m not having any problems getting to the site.
it was back online 30 November