Blogspot hacked - avast virus detection

about 2 month ago, a friend’s blog has been hacked : the site is redirecting to another location and avast message pops up warning about virus.

How can this be solved?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Site is given clean now.
//** Is your rel canonical tag pointing to another domain?
Qutterea has some suspicion towards:
Potentially Suspicious files: 4
File size[byte]: 57254
Threat type: Potentially Suspicious
Details: JavaScript emulation took too much time.
Reason: Execution timeout reached in operation block-of-code. Timeout 120 seconds.
MD5: BB381E2D19D8EACE86B34D20759491A5
Scan duration[sec]: 121.045000

File size[byte]: 610606
Threat type: Potentially Suspicious
Details: Detected hidden reference to external web resource.
Reason: Detected generation of hidden DOM element [iframe].
MD5: 5619F74AAA420647DBB89D42A9B5D4B2
Scan duration[sec]: 8.741000
File size[byte]: 80620
Threat type: Potentially Suspicious
Details: Detected hidden reference to external web resource.
Reason: Detected generation of hidden DOM element [iframe].
MD5: 4D60C1DA321FC4BA0D7F2E54669FE692
Scan duration[sec]: 0.178000

File size[byte]: 4294967295
Threat type: Potentially Suspicious
Details: Detected unconditional redirection to external web resource.
Reason: Detected HTTP redirection to
MD5: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Scan duration[sec]: 0.001000


Thanks for the quick reply,
i visited again the blog and still the warning message appears. I asked couple of friends to visit the site from their computers, same thing. Also my Anti-Malware shows a thread blocking message.

Avast info:

More details:


WHat should we do?

this means that the url is on a block list…

if you mean thisbis wrong, you can report false positives here.

the malwarebytes block you must report in malwarebytes forum