moja strona taichi-lodz.pl jest blokowana przez wasz program.
NIedawno strona była przeniesiona na inny serwer, dokładnie ją sprawdziliśmy i nic nie wykrywamy.
Czy można nam jakoś pomóc?
you have already postd in polski forum section and recived reply. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=134078.0
if you are going to post here also, then post in English.
Site is infected with what avast! Web Shielkd flags and blocks as JS:HideMe-I[Trj], see:
Joomla version outdated: Upgrade required. (at the moment of scanning godz. 20.11 7-9-2013)
Malware, various instances of same SEO-Spam malware: http://labs.sucuri.net/db/malware/malware-entry-mwspamseo
Firekeeper alert: === Triggered rule ===
alert(url_content:“%3C”; url_content:“%2F”; url_content:“%3E”; msg:“Suspicious looking GET request containing %3C, %3E, and %2F. Suspiciously HTML-like.”; reference:url,http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html; reference:url,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting;)
Read: htxp://vel.joomla.org/articles/844-spotting-spam-code-in-malicious-extensions.html