Bloody Sasser %#@$#$ Virus


That bastard Sasser virus has taken over our company server this Monday morning, and shutdown the server and destroy $25 million dollars worth of big major drafting projects.

And the IT guys are getting to bloody lazy backing up the data last Friday and they really shit me, I can’t tell them to stop using that bloody Norton Anti-Virus Corp. Edition cause we have been hit by 36 different virus in the past 18 months.

I wish I could removed that bloody Norton off my work desktop computer, and talk about IT guys in my company are driving me NUTS and wasting company money cause they still got no brains. AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh!

PS. My home computer with Avast 4 Home still do a great bloody job and I nearly got hit by Sasser by a split second, THANK GOD! Avast blocked it AMEN!. GOD I love the Avast Club House Forum and the software.

And now back to the AutoCAD 2004 fix up all the lots dwg files >:(