Blue ball icon not spinning

I have been using avast home for a couple years, and love it. Noticed yesterday that my blue icon ball has stopped it’s spin when I execute different programs, like starting my IE browser. Am using 080616-0 version, 4.8.120. My OS is XP Sp3. When answering this query, bear in mind I am not all the computer literate. So please give advice in simple steps.

Right click the ‘a’ blue icon.
Program settings.
Is the option ‘Animate the icon when scanning’ checked?

Does other actions make the icon swirl? Like running a program, opening a doc file…

Tech, yes the “Animate the icon when scanning” is ticked. Also, I forgot to mention in my original post, that all of my providers are shown as running. When I left click the icon, for example my Web shield does indicate it is scanning and gives me a running account of the sites it has scanned. To answer your second quextion, no, when I start running a program or opening a doc file, it still doesn’t spin.

Good news my little blue world is spinning again. I used the advice of Tednelly who was answering another query. I used the Repair function, in the Control panel, add/remove programs, and it worked for me. So a big thank you to Tednelly, and I also want to thank Tech for his prompt response and effort for help. I monitor this site regularly and am always impressed on how nice and helpful the regular members are too us newbies and computer novices.

This is the best reward we get… we’re making it! :wink:

it’s happening to me too… the blue ball won’t spin, though the animation is activated. i tried “repair” but it didn’t do anything…

i’m using the 4.8 home edition.

also, at first scan, the AV found some viruses in windows xp, and i deleted them.
now, whenever the system shuts down unexpectedly - as in a power failure - the video drivers are uninstalled. i have to re-install them each and every time.

i got a recovery point from before the scanning in cause but i am afraid to go back there, because the system was so virused i couldn’t even access the internet.

so, do you have any hints on how to make the blue ball move?
or if it doesn’t move, - the scanning is shown as running and there’s a list of the scanned areas - does that mean my system is at risk??

does wiping those infected files have anything to do with the uninstalled drivers?

and lastly, when i scan anything - any file on my computer, there’s a quick scan but the results won’t show, there’s no summary of the scan. i have no idea what was scanned and what was not.


I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the latest avast! version.
  6. Boot.
  7. Check and post the results.

hmm sounds like faulty video drivers should prolly go to the manufacuters site and get the latest

i tried once more before uninstalling and re-installing.

settings - add/remove, - add/remove/repair avast, clicked repair, waited, rebooted and this time the ball is spinning :slight_smile:

thank you guys!

the drivers died again at restart, so i downloaded the latest nvidia drivers that applied for my computer’s specs, and it totally ruined it. i had to uninstall and put on the original ones. eh well, at least it’s still good. thanks for the advice though ^^

Indeed… I don’t think this is a driver problem…
Anyway, glad that you’ve solved the spinning problem.