I have just installed avast 4 and don’t have the blue ball in my taskbar. I am using Windows XP . Also, does this program automatically scan e-mail? I don’t see an option or a preference where I could indicate that is what I want.
I have just installed avast 4 and don’t have the blue ball in my taskbar. I am using Windows XP . Also, does this program automatically scan e-mail? I don’t see an option or a preference where I could indicate that is what I want.
Do you have any other antivirus installed in your computer?
Did you boot after the installation?
Maybe an uninstall / boot / install / boot will solve this.
You can use Control Panel to ‘Repair’ your avast installation too.
About email scanning: you must have ashMaiSv.exe running in your system. The best way is executing the ‘Mail Protection Wizard’ (see your Start Menu) and follow the instructions.
Wellcome 8)
And what a cute brother you are!!
Well, I did the repair, no blue ball. When I uninstall and install, will I get a new registration number??
Is that .exe file you refer to for e-mail installed with the download?
I had thought I have had avast running for several months, then decided it wasn’t there afterall… no ball, nothing… so I downloaded it again today - but it isn’t any different. I did run a scan, but I have no ball in my task bar, and I saw no kind of ‘wizard’
I will do the unistall/install.
It’s not necessary. You can use the ‘old’ one you already has.
That file is an avast Service (avast Mail Service) for scanning the emails. If you do not have it running (CTRL+ALT+DEL to see if it is running or not) you won’t be able to scan and even to receive and send emails… zero, nothing, no emails at all.
This file is automatically loaded with Windows if your installation is good.
This is bad. You should ‘test’ if your avast installation (or any other program is good or not…
Did you install any other antivirus is this computer before avast?
For Wizard:
Close all your email programs.
Go to bottom left side of the screen (the Start Menu)
Start Menu > All Programs > avast! antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard
Follow the instructions.
The best you can do now
All is Well… I realize now that I somehow lost the program during my recent changes of servers… it was never fully functional since I moved. Nothing hurt, thank goodness, but now it is up and running as it should be, I got the e-mail wizard too! Thank you for your response and your help.
Thanks again…
Man you give me work 8)
Glad it is working