Hello, I’ve used avast for a few months and so far so good. My dial up provider (AT&T) provided SPY SWEEPER free so I
downloaded it. The SPY SWEEPER icon inserted itself in my
tray and the blue Avast icon dissapeared. MSCONFIG and
task manager sez they are running. How can I get the ball
back? ???
Try a repair of avast.
control panel, add/remove, avast, change/delete, repair
Welcome to the forum goldy9955,Are you running xp?Try control panel>apperance/themes>taskbar/startup menu>customize.
This is likely an old version of SpySweeper or at least old definations file and it has falsly detected ashDisp.exe as a problem, restore that from within spysweeper, reboot and see if that resolves the problem, update the spysweeper definations file.
If you can’t restore ashDisp.exe from spysweeper then you will probably have to uninstall avast, reboot, install, reboot. Don’t let spysweeper automatically delete anything from the avast4 folders, check, check, check.
Hey DavidR, SPYSWEEPER deleted the icon. I got it back now,
I’ve got to check out the settings on the sweeper. Thanks.
Yes I’m running XP pro and is as lean as I can run it. I replaced the harddrive about 6 months ago and went from
windows 98 to XP pro. This computer is 7 years old, my daughter’s hand me down from her college days. It’s a emachines 500is, pentiumII, 256MB ram. My wife and I use
it for surfing and e-mailing, so I turned off all the bells and
whistles so the CPU isn’t always pegged out. I’d like to find a
firewall that is easy on resources. Avast is doing a good job
of keeping it safe and running without slowing the system down.
No problem, welcome to the forums.
Check this google search "freeware firewall “low resources”
However, there could be a penalty with such a firewall so you should check the system requirements, reviews, particularly about providing protection and stealthing your system grc.com, or firewall test.
The ones commonly used by forum members are Zone Alarm, Kerio, Comodo, there are a number of threads in the forums about firewalls, some relating to firewalls for gamers as they tend to be light on resources (ghost comes to mind).
You may find you that your system is going to be over powered by some of the system requirements.