Hi from “down under”
First of all I’m an ol’ fella trying to make sense of this computer age!! ??? ???
My system crashed(my fault ofcourse)and after downloading Avast again the blue panel is unreadable.
No biggie to me but unsure if that means there is something more sinister happening…or not happening.
Thanks Avast for giving your Home program to us for free.
You may be interested to know the Sydney Morning Herald computer supplement ‘Icon’ gave you big wraps…hence me finding you in Czech
What exactly does it mean, unreadable?
If you were quick enough, you may be able to get a screenshot (by pressing PrintScreen when the blue pannel is visible - which will copy the whoel screen to the clipboard) - and then pasting it into e.g. Microsoft Painting (PaintBrush?) and saving as a file (e.g. .jpg, .gif).