Blue screen after upgrading from Free client to Internet Security

I have a client who purchased an Internet Security license from Avast. Upon upgrading him from the free client to Internet Security the machine will blue screen on every startup. The details are as follows:


aswndis2.sys is the module causing the problem.

Dell Dimension 3000
A03 BIOS (newest)
Intel 865 Chipset
Intel 100 Pro NIC
Windows XP Home with Service Pack 3 and all updates.
Newest drivers for all hardware.

I have put a new drive in the machine, formatted and installed Windows XP fresh with all the newest drivers. Avast 5 works great until I upgrade to Internet Security. The ndis portion of the module of the blue screen leads me to believe the firewall portion of the Internet Security package is the problem.

I am able to recover the machine by loading ‘Last Good Configuration’ on the Windows startup options.

Any ideas?


:frowning: I’m having the same problem with Windows XP Pro, I boot the same computer to Vista Business & Windows 7 Home Premium with no problems & running from same install file. ? ? ?
This has been nothing but problems since I bought the Internet Security instead of using the FREE & PC Tools Firewall.

Here I described the same Problem:
@bytemyfsb Do you have a minidump of the BSoD? This will be very helpfull for the Helper and the Avast-Team.
If not, please post a HJT Log.