Blue Screen caused by Aswtdi.sys


I posted about this issue before and uploaded a dump file when it occured again but the thread went unanswered. Anyway this is the error from the dump…


This error/BSOD seams to occure while in a game and I have not seen it under normal windows operations.

Windows 7 64 bit
Avast 6.0.1203
Virus ver 110718-1

Note I’ve uploaded the minidump. If you need the windows dump (it’s 400MB) let me know.

Dump File 071811-19297-01.rar

Yes, could you please compress memory dump and upload it? Minidump isn’t enough, especially under 64-bit Windows.


File Uploaded to FTP

MicroBell MEMORY.rar


While I’m not in a super hurry for this issue to be resolved as right now it’s not occuring every time I’m playing, can you confirm that the ‘avast’ server got my dump?

Only asking because it was a big file (76MB) which I sent through filezilla.

Thanks :wink:


Yeaaah, we got your memory dump!

In fact, we asked microsoft ppl to recommend us the best practice to fix it - but, it wont be so easy… this is a problem with our old network driver framework we use (TDI) and we’ll probably rewrite it in avast7… if you get BSOD often, uninstall avast network shield.

Thanks PK. I already knew it involved the Network shield but was hoping for another option instead of disabling that shield, but I will do so if the issue becomes to frequent. Will hold out for a rewrite in 7 :O)

Thanks again!