blue screen due to aswsnx.sys

two times within the past three days I had all of a sudden a blue screen and after rebooting the error message
driver error probably due to: “??\C:\Windows\systems32\drivers\aswSnx.sys”
It seems that this is an avast! driver, isn’t it?
Via Malwarebytes I can’t find any virus or other problem.
I’m using avast! pro V 2014.9.0.2013.

Can somebody please help me and explain what I need to do to avoid any further blue screen?
Thanks in advance

Hi could you initially try a repair of Avast

Go to Control panel > Programs and Features > Select Avast
On the left select Repair and reboot on completion

Thanks for your advice.
Yes, I did run the repair procedure.
Now it’s just a question of time: “wait and see” if you get my drift here.
I just hope that this will solve my problem.
Thanks again

Keep us informed of any further errors :slight_smile: