Blue Screen Error whenever going on facebook with avast real time scanning on

Whenever I attempt to go onto I always get a Blue Screen Error - tdx.sys this only happens If avast’s real time scanning is on and i attempt to go to, all other sites are unaffected. Is there a solution to this problem?

What is the exact version of the operating system you use?
I remember there was a problem with tdx.sys in some betaversions of Windows 7?

Windows 7 Ultimate, how would i find more info about my os?

Try running the “winver” command.

Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1 (Build 7600)

The reason Igor asked is that in the pre-release versions of Windows 7, there was a bug that had exactly the same symptoms.

In any case, do you have all the Windows updates (available through Windows Update) installed?

I think everything is alright now I’ve managed to find out that it’s the network shield which was the culprit because whenever it was disabled I could go on Facebook and there would be no BSOD’s so a a reinstall and reboot has got rid off the problem thankfully. Thanks guys for your help really appreciated.