Blue screen of death connection

Verizon,Microsoft to join forces Oh, great, that’s all we need: phones that crash!

I didn’t know Verizon’s crashed… ??? ??? ???

Just wait until Microsoft partners with Verizon…then SEE! 8)

In the past year, how many times has your operating system crshed (BlueScreenOfDeath) as a direct result
of an operating system error?

Personally, I can’t remember any. :slight_smile:

Big No.0=Zero=Not Once=you were right bob :o

to live is to learn and even at our age “bob” we still learn everyday ::slight_smile:

Warning-Do Not Hit Your Monitor…

I can’t even remember a time when I came up with the Blue Screen Of Death ::slight_smile:

The only thing I had was a black screen of death not that long ago.
But that was dues to a hardware failure. MS XP SP2 has been as solid as a rock for me.

Just to tell you in a computer of a friend of mine I noticed the same USB trouble of yours: not adding a letter to the drive when it is plugged and recognized :cry: ::slight_smile:
If I found anything to solve, I’ll post ::slight_smile:

Tech my problem is all fixed:

What did you do to solve it?

Last BSOD I had on a computer was in the late 1990’s while still using W95. After that, a new computer and W98SE have resulted in no BSOD for me. And, no BSOD since new computer last October with XP SP2.

Yeah, I know, many had BSOD with W98, ME, and probably with 2000 also.

Either I was doing something right with W98SE or I was very lucky. :wink:

Bob, the problem my friend had was something different, as a new installation of Windows worked perfectly.
There was no trouble with the HDD controller card. ::slight_smile: ???
Misteries of computers :-\