I have Win Vista Home and I have gotten the ‘Blue Screen’ on start up. I have Avast 5.1.889. I uninstalled it and installed it, same problem. This has happened twice, in two weeks. I don’t have the minidump, my CCleaner cleaned it. I copied some info from the ‘Blue Screen’
Without the mini dumps or better a kernel dump (c:\windows\memory.dmp) to upload to avast for analysis, then there is little to analyses from what you have in your post.
To ensure that ccleaner doesn’t clean them should it happen again don’t have it clean house automatically, do it manually, so they remain if you have a BSOD again.
Then they can be zipped together (they compress quite a lot) and uploaded to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming - Using Internet Explorer, Connect to the link and drag the file into the Right pane and drop it, that starts the upload, you don’t have read access to this folder. Give the zip file you are uploading a unique name, so they can identify it. It might not be a bad idea to create a text file (readme.txt) with any relevant information, avast topic, user name, etc. etc. in the zip file.