Blue Screen Returning from Hibernate


New here, I have been using Avast for years, In my opinion it is the best of the best. The only thing I just found out that according to Micro$oft is that Avast is the cause of my computer not returning from Hibernate. This does not happen all the time , say 3 out of 5 times. Any info you want or need holler. Here is some info to start.

Vista x64 with SP1
Avast 4.8 Home (4.8.1229)
5 GIG Ram
8800 GTS 640 MB

This is from clicking find solution on returning from a locked computer, Windows has recovered from a serious error!

Problem caused by antivirus software
Although we have not determined the specific cause of this problem, we know the problem was caused by antivirus software.

I have no idea if this is really the cause, this is what MS says!

As far as I know this is the only antivirus installed! Any and all help is welcome and I thank you in advance.


3 out of 5 times? That’s certainly a lot…
Do you have the corresponding minidump files in the Windows\Minidump folder?


I have 4 from this month…How would I get them to you?

[s]Noticed additional options…lol

Added .log to end as this is a zip of all 4 mini dumps zipped with 7zip so just remove the .log and should work.
Ok diden’t work i removed the zip, how to send you the files?

You can you send to
A second way to transfer only big files is uploading them to (oh, zip them before ;))

Ok sent an e-mail with the file(zipped) Thank you!

Ps. Is this a know issue? As for right now I am going to have to revert to shutting down @ night I would prefer not to, but till this is fixed I will. When I was on XP I could have my computer up time go for 6 month stretches without shutting down or restarting.

Hi, Sorry for the Bump…

But I was wondering if there was any new info for me?

No need to be sorry. Hope the programmers could take a look on this.