"Blue" update box no longer takes user to Summary screen

Of late, my Avast 4.1.268 on both my XP and W98 sytems displays the “blue” update box as it should but when I click on it, the summary screen is no longer displayed.

This feature (summary screen) was added with 268 I believe because the link prior to that build did not take the user anywhere.

Was this removed in 268? or an latter update?

Thanks ???

Are you talking about program or VPS update?
If VPS, you have VPS update set to Auto or Ask?


I have both DB and Program set to automatically update.
The last time that I noticed the problem was with the db update.
I click on the box to take me to “information” and nothing.
Box goes away and the summary screen does not come up as it did before build 268 (I think), but it did go the a summary screen at one point.

Any ideas?


In some systems, the mouse clicks and Internet Explorer does not work well. IE could “loose” some mouse clicks…
I suggest you wait for the next update and see what happens…
Windows is not a deterministic system :cry:

Another way? Not so good but… you can set the update configuration to normal (not silent) ;D


Yes, I could set it to Normal, but that takes the fun out of fixing the silly thing. ;D

The Summary screen really doesn’t do anything for me. As a matter of fact, I think the Avast Team would be better off removing the line that says “Click here for information”. The information can be found in the main menu, or the About Avast screen.

The alert that the update has been done always gives me goose bumps. What a thrill! hahaha

I love Avast!! :smiley:

I full agree with you… :wink:
Better if avast! fix anything and the link could works in any computer… ;D
I´ll wait for the next update and see what happens with mine.

Hey avast!
I totally agree with techie101. The Summary screen does not send the user to any place… Why is not working the link “Click here for information”? :-
Thanks techie101 to repport this.

it is not working here as well… ???
OS: win98se , IE6 SP1.

Yeah, yeah, thanks guys, we know about this one. :-\ I will have it fixed soon for you (in the next update).


thanx Vlk ;D

New version or new build?
Thanks Vlk. :wink:

I believe Vlk meant next the build - since he said “soon”, and currently there are no plans known for avast “4.2” (at least I don’t know about them :)).