bluescreen crash loop aswvmm.sys

Hi guys,

I just uninstalled avast business (cloud) from my backup server. its running win2008 storage server. apparently there is/was something it doesnt like about the avast file aswvmm.sys. twice over the last week the machine has been going into bluescreen crash loops. it finally rebooted itself like 20 times in a row in the middle of the night last night. I booted in safe mode and uninstalled avast. been solid now ever since. the memory.dmp file indicates that aswvmm.sys is the culprit. any ideas? was it just corrupted or is there a known issue of some kind? I can provide the memory dump file if you want it. as well as event logs for the crashes. thanks.


I think it is best to submit a ticket about it.

I think i got to the bottom of it. looks like a misconfigured backup job was dumping logs into the C drive and filled it up. though it seemed to be the avast process that was crashing, it appears it was due to the filled up HD. ive reinstalled avast now that i have moved the swap file to a different drive and cleaned off the log files.

I hope moving the swap file to a different drive solved the problem.
Let us know please if it did or not.

If it does, it is a good suggestion to avast to implement a free space check to avoid crashes.
If there is not enough free space, it should let the user know so (s)he can take action.

yep. will do! my bad for missing the free space thing. Spiceworks told me it was below 5% but i had not looked at the alerts page to see the message =(. bad sysadmin! =P

Hmm, lets see how I will punish you for it…
Letting you peddle on a bicycle connected to a generator that needs to power a entire server complex seems appropriate ;D