As soon as I upgraded to the Free Avast 6, My bluetooth will not load up. I have added the link to the bluetooth in the sandbox, still not a go. I disabled the sandbox, still the same thing. Now I have to disable the Avast to get bluetooth to load. Its kind of a pain to have to do that all the time.
Is there a fix or something I can do, I really cant afford to buy Avast and it does the same thing to Me. I have bluetooth hardware that I cant use now.
I have unblocked it with the firewall too, but Avast is still not letting it load.
Thanks for anything that will help.
Well thanks for answering Me or anything that would have helped, I deleted Avast and will be using something else. Thanks for truly making Me believe Avast cared. Bye now.
Found this when googling for a solution to my problem and registered just to replay.
For the past few days I’m experiencing the same thing with Bluesoleil and on top of that the computer frequently locking-up (explorer windows that were already opened become unresponsive, taskbar unresponsive, can’t open task manager, etc).
Reinstalled Windows XP last night, everything working fine, installed Avast and problems started reappearing. I thought it was because of version 6 so I uninstalled Avast 6 and installed Avast 5.1. SAME THING!
Don’t know what happened lately to Avast which it’s been working great for me during the past 2 years. Maybe it’s something in the virus definitions because there’s nothing else that changed from the time it actually worked… ?!
Anyway, since most of the guys over here are in denial I see no reason in living with our frustrations until somebody actually wakes up and does something to fix it. Good thing is we have alternatives.
No, the Bluesoleil version I have does not run a taskbar process.
The way it should work is you double click the shortcut, it should open the program then you connect the bluetooth adapter and start transferring.
With Avast the Bluesoleil interface does not load because after a few minutes of waiting I generally get a "Memory could not be “read” " type of error. If I uninstall Avast and restart the computer Bluesoleil works without a problem (I have to uninstall Avast to make Bluesoleil work, disabling all the shields does not help).
YES IT DOES! Please give me a very good news and tell me there’s a fix for the behavior shield!
I didn’t get to test it enough to see if the system locks-up or the web browsers stop working but Bluesoleil definitely works without the behavior shield installed.
I’ve tried installing the behavior shield though Add/Remove Programs and as soon as I restart the computer everything starts locking-up. I even tried adding “Bluesoleil.exe” to the exception list of the behavior shield and also set it to ask for an action when it detects something. Nothing improved; it’s simply unusable.
Update: not installing the behaviour shield worked only apparently. A few restarts later the system started locking-up just like before… without behavior shield installed.
please what Bluesoil version do you have? You can find out it from file C:\Program Files\IVT Corporation\BlueSoleil\BlueSoleilCS.exe. Open the path using Explorer, right click the file and see the file version from Version tab. I have tested it with 5.4.314 and no problems.
I have a very old version, (the only one I have on a CD).
By the way I think I fixed it again (lol), this time by unchecking “Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications” in behavior shield. No system lock in the last 24 hours and Bluesoleil runs every time without any problem.
But it’s definitely something wrong with the behavior shield since adding Bluesoleil.exe to the trusted processes does not help while “Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications” is activated.
I have used this version of Bluesoleil for quite some time & it has not at all been uncommon for similar starting problems to appear from time to time.
In the program folder I find that there are several applicatsion ‘start’ executables which a user can choose. I have found that when one type appears to stop working, the choice of another has solved the problem for me. I usually choose to start the program by putting one of these in my startup folder, but as a desktop shortcut or whatever, it does the same thing.
If you look into your Bluesoleil installation folder you will see various forms of this… the difference in names is almost nothing:
However… Don’t choose the BlueSoleil icon file. It may look pretty but won’t help much in starting your program ;D
I am thinking that the file BlueSoleil_ (with one underline mark after the name) is the file that works most often for me.
Just a note: According to my Comodo software, it appears that Bluesoleil seems to have a habit of connecting to the internet from time to time, supposedly checking on licensing? Ahmmm. It seems to take quite a bit of time for this when it does if you are monitoring it’s activities… Or perhaps it is taking so long because of my horrible dialup. I wonder if it is possible that some protection software might try to cut some of it’s activities because of this behavior & and that this could also cause a conflict. Generally speaking, for myself, when I find the startup which works with my current system setup I do not experience too many problems.
A lot of people have complained about this software but I have found that it serves me well.
I hope that this information might help you in some way.
Hi Guys, My name is N.G.Ashok kumar from India and i’ve got the same problem with avast 6 and bluesoleil… but its the problem with avast 6 program, i somehow solved this… If you want to use both avast 6 and bluesoleil together its not possible… but you can download old program from filehippo and update the virus definitions, this only solves the problem… i’m currently using Avast 5.0.594 and Bluesoleil together and is working fine… i hope this might be useful to you guys…